Sponsor Webinar: Alma

Email Patrick at Alma to register:  patrick.dugan@getalma.com

Webinar: CTE Reporting

Kevin Springman and Tammy Keisling, Bureau of Career and Technical Education | Pennsylvania Department of Education Brenda Gomez-Perez - Data Quality This webinar will look at the Secondary PIMS User Guide and CTE submission process. We will also talk about FRCPP and how important it is for the schools to ensure they are checking off . . .

Webinar: Career Benchmarking Standards

When: Feb 6, 2024, 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Topic: Career Benchmarking Standards Presenter: Dr. David Reese, CAO, Defined From Exploration to Application: Learning about careers needs to engage students in their futures and help them learn what they are passionate about and how content and skills can transfer across career pathways. Schools . . .

Webinar: Certifications and PIMS Reporting

When: February 27, 2024, 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Topic: Certifications and PIMS reporting Presenter: Shane Miller, PDE In this session, we will dive into emergency permits, intern permits, and reporting certifications in PIMS. There will be ample time for Q&A Registration Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_RYvu--RCSQOpMjj86x-LnA Sponsored by SapphireK12

Spring Virtual 2024: PDE Career and Technical Education Program (Re)Approval Process

PDE Career and Technical Education Program (RE)Approval Process. Come learn the process, how to apply for a PDE approved CTE program. Learn what processes and documentation will be needed for program approval and annual updates. Finally learn what is expected when the reapproval and onsite visits occur, which are now being synchronized. Speakers: Jean Kelleher . . .

Spring Virtual 2024: FID Applications

Are you ready for Flexible Instructional Days (FIDs)? PDE will provide an overview on the FID program – its uses and lessons from the field as well as a walk-through the application process. The presenters will include those that review the applications and they will provide some ‘do’s and don’ts’ in submitting a completed application. . . .