Webinar: How Child Accounting Impacts a School District’s State Subsidy

In this session, PASBO's Director of Research, Dr. Timothy J.Shrom, will investigate how important child accounting is for school districts in maximizing state subsidies. The funding formulas and reporting will be discussed. There will also be ample opportunity for Q&A. This session is for members only.   Link to recording Recording Passcode:  ahr&3#DL

Monthly Webinar: A Guide to Interscholastic Athletic Opportunities, Home Education, and Private Tutoring Reporting

Speakers:  Tom Dubbs, Tony Durante This presentation will address Home Education and Private Tutoring and the Interscholastic Athletic Opportunities data collection tools and uploading this data into PIMS. Presenters will also share the basic ‘How-to’s for submitting the Accuracy Certification Statements (ACS) through the Future Ready Comprehensive Planning Portal (FRCPP). Some approved as well as . . .

Monthly Webinar: PVAAS and PIMS

Speakers:  Laurie Kolka, PVAAS Statewide Team for PDE, Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13 and Yashira Ashby,  Data Administrator for Educator Effectiveness, Assessment, and Accountability In the webinar, we’ll highlight the PIMS collections related to PVAAS and then show what that data looks like in PVAAS and why it’s important for educators. We’ll focus on the data . . .