Webinar: Update on Homeschooling

This session will present new information, and changes to homeschooling will be discussed. A focus will be on the impact of Act 55 on homeschooling students who wish to attend a vocational program. Presented by: Fianne van Schaaik and Tom Dubbs, PDE Sponsored by:  PowerSchool

Webinar: School to Work C’s to Success

In the ever-changing education environment, we have been forced to adapt and overcome the obstacles put in front of us. Today's school-to-work programs face even more interesting challenges. Utilizing the “C’s” to Success will help your school achieve its mission and provide you with the tools to create or improve your school-to-work program. Presented by: Mike . . .

Webinar: Safe Schools Reporting

This will discuss reporting the safe schools information and reporting for the upcoming school year. Topics will include truancy, safe schools reporting, fire/bus reporting, and security drills. Presented by: Erin Westfall, Joseph Loccisano, and Jay Wasser, PDE Sponsored by:  Focus 

Webinar: The Current Changes and Clarifications to Act 1 and How They Impact You

Following up from the earlier Act 1 webinar, this session will be on the changes that have come to Act 1 of 2022 and how it applies to homeless and foster students. Homeless and foster updates focusing on post-identification, SAP referrals, trauma-informed care, and the current economic environment. Presented by:  Jeff Zimmerman

Webinar: End of Year Reporting: Preparing for PIMS Child Accounting Upload

PDE’s Child Accounting Specialist, Shane Miller, will help provide guidance and take us through the process of preparing for end-of-year reporting and answer any questions you may have to prepare you for your End of year better reporting. Presented by:  Shane Miller,  PDE Child Accounting Specialist

Webinar: How Child Accounting Impacts a School District’s State Subsidy

In this session, PASBO's Director of Research, Dr. Timothy J.Shrom, will investigate how important child accounting is for school districts in maximizing state subsidies. The funding formulas and reporting will be discussed. There will also be ample opportunity for Q&A. This session is for members only.   Link to recording Recording Passcode:  ahr&3#DL

Monthly Webinar: A Guide to Interscholastic Athletic Opportunities, Home Education, and Private Tutoring Reporting

Speakers:  Tom Dubbs, Tony Durante This presentation will address Home Education and Private Tutoring and the Interscholastic Athletic Opportunities data collection tools and uploading this data into PIMS. Presenters will also share the basic ‘How-to’s for submitting the Accuracy Certification Statements (ACS) through the Future Ready Comprehensive Planning Portal (FRCPP). Some approved as well as . . .

Monthly Webinar: PVAAS and PIMS

Speakers:  Laurie Kolka, PVAAS Statewide Team for PDE, Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13 and Yashira Ashby,  Data Administrator for Educator Effectiveness, Assessment, and Accountability In the webinar, we’ll highlight the PIMS collections related to PVAAS and then show what that data looks like in PVAAS and why it’s important for educators. We’ll focus on the data . . .

Webinar: CTE Reporting

Kevin Springman and Tammy Keisling, Bureau of Career and Technical Education | Pennsylvania Department of Education Brenda Gomez-Perez - Data Quality This webinar will look at the Secondary PIMS User Guide and CTE submission process. We will also talk about FRCPP and how important it is for the schools to ensure they are checking off . . .

Webinar: Career Benchmarking Standards

When: Feb 6, 2024, 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Topic: Career Benchmarking Standards Presenter: Dr. David Reese, CAO, Defined From Exploration to Application: Learning about careers needs to engage students in their futures and help them learn what they are passionate about and how content and skills can transfer across career pathways. Schools . . .

Webinar: Certifications and PIMS Reporting

When: February 27, 2024, 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Topic: Certifications and PIMS reporting Presenter: Shane Miller, PDE In this session, we will dive into emergency permits, intern permits, and reporting certifications in PIMS. There will be ample time for Q&A Registration Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_RYvu--RCSQOpMjj86x-LnA Sponsored by SapphireK12